The end of this unusual year is an opportunity to celebrate new life in the new normal. It is an event to recapitulate the latest news, recognize the merits of our outstanding contributors, and forward-looking to the new challenges.

The Zoom connection will be open 30′ before, at 14:30, for the 10th General Assembly of the Openfiling Association. Presentation of possible solutions proposed for the 12,870 missing labelRoles in ESEF: Open Source generator of labelRoles and implemented use case with labelRoles files.

Agenda at a glance (CET time)

15:00-15:10 Welcome Words

Luc Dufresne
Honorary Secretary General, Bank of Belgium
Founder President, Eurofiling Foundation p.f.

15:10-15:25 Eurofiling Recognition Carvings

Michal Piechocki, Director of Eurofiling, presents the recognitions to the new laureates in the Eurofiling Hall-Of-Fame

15:25-15:30 New members on the Eurofiling Board

Ignacio Boixo, Eurofiling Founder

15:30-16:00 ESEF news

Elina Koskentalo. XBRL Finland. Eurofiling Board
.- Overview on ESEF news [presentation download]

Javier Mora. XBRL Spain
.- ESEF 2020, conformance suite, and Taxonomy Illustrated [presentation download]

Ignacio Boixo. CEN eBusiness Coordination Group. Eurofiling Board
.- ESEF example: Eurofiling annual report 2019 and audit evidence

16:00-16:10 Proposal: WG for an Environment Taxonomy

Paul Hulst. Eurofiling Board
See the precedent event at COP25 climate summit.

16:10-16:20 DPM as ISO standard

Karla McKenna, Eurofiling Board. Past Chair ISO/TC 68 Financial services.

16:20-16:30 Closing dialog

Open comments

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