The customary Eurofiling Conferences are now going digital for this New Normal period.


Agenda at a glance.

08:30-09:00. Webex open. Connectivity tests for participants.

09:00-09:10. Welcome Words. Ana Martinez-Pina. Chairwoman, Corporate Reporting Standing Committee, ESMA. See the video here

09:10-09:40. Keynote speech. Alain Deckers. Head, Corporate reporting, audit and credit rating agencies unit at DG FiSMA, E.C. See the video here

09:40-10:40. ESMA Meet-The-Market. Anna Sciortino. Policy Officer at ESMA. Michal Zubrycki. Technical Consultant, ESMA.
See the video here and the presentation slides here.
10:40-11:00 Open questions.

11:00-11:45. ESEF conformance suite. Hands-on experiences. Moderator: Javier Mora, XBRL Spain
Analysis of the 157 XBRL report packages, grouped into 60 tests of the ESEF conformance suite. Explanation of every test case and its validation with Arelle open source suite. See the video here and presentation slides here
11:45-12:00. Questions and answers.

12:00-12:45. ESEF validation rules. Hands-on experiences. Moderator: Javier Mora, XBRL Spain
Analysis of the ESEF validation rules 2019. Explanation of the different sources of the validation rules (ESEF taxonomy, IFRS taxonomy and LEI taxonomy) and the common elements between the validation rules and the conformance suite. See the video here and the presentation slides here.
12:45-13:00. Questions and answers.

13:00-14:00. Lunch time

14:00-16:00 Rapid fire (10’) sessions on ESEF tools. Moderator: Elina Koskentalo, XBRL Finland
See lists of vendors at Eurofiling as well as XBRL International and XBRL Europe.

14:00-14:10 Welcome words 14:10-14:20 Parseport 14:20-14:30 Oracle
14:30-14:40 easyESEF 14:40-14:50 Comarch 14:50-15:00 Invoke
15:00-15:10 IRIS CARBON, materials 15:10-15:20 Easyx 15:20-15:30 Reporting Standard
15:30-15:40 reportfactory tagging tool 15:40-15:50
Labrador Company
15:50-16:00 Clausion

16:00-16:45 Closing panel.
ESMA-ESEF Reporting: an opportunity rather than a mere obligation? Martin DeVille, UBPartner
Smart Analytics with ESEF Data – the future of digital reporting. Anuradha R.K. IRIS
ESEF Reporter – tackling new reporting regime and ensuring compliance. Sebastian Sośnik, Fujitsu
Suggestions from the audience & Farewell from the organizers


Ana Martínez-Pina

Chairwoman, Corporate Reporting Standing Committee, ESMA
Chairwoman, Coordination Network on Sustainability, ESMA
ViceChairwoman, CNMV (Spanish Securities and Markets Authority)

Alain Deckers

Head of unit, Corporate reporting, audit and credit rating agencies at DG Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union, European Commission
Vice-Chairman, European Lab@EFRAG Steering Group

Anna Sciortino

Policy Officer at European Securities and Markets Authority
Speaker at ESEF 2020 – ESMA Tutorials:
ESEF Tutorial 1ESEF Tutorial 2ESEF Tutorial 3

Michal Zubrycki

Technology Expert at European Securities and Markets Authority
Head of Standards Consulting at BR-AG
XBRL & DPM International Technical Trainer

Javier Mora

CWG Member, Corporate Reporting Standing Committee, ESMA
Manager, XBRL Spain
Trustee and collaborator, Eurofiling Foundation

Elina Koskentalo

ICT Consultant at Tieke, Finland
Manager, XBRL Finland
Trustee and collaborator, Eurofiling Foundation

Organization by Ignacio Boixo, Eurofiling Foundation